About Circular Copenhagen

Circular Copenhagen establishes innovative partnerships with key, national and international, industrial and academic stakeholders focusing on advancing the circular economy.

Cities around the globe play a crucial role in the transition from a take-make-waste system towards a resilient circular economy where growth is no longer based on consumption of finite resources.

As a global leader in the green agenda, the City of Copenhagen wishes to play an active role in the development of innovative solutions for advancing the circular economy.

Most challenges relating to the advancement of circular economy are complex and can only be solved when actors from across value chains and industries collaborate and pull in the same direction.

Circular Copenhagen is an organizational configuration which focus explicitly on developing cross-cutting partnerships. The partnerships target specific challenges in Copenhagen related to circular economy aiding the objectives of the Resource & Waste Management Plan. All this is necessary in order to move towards a zero-waste capital.

Contact Circular Copenhagen



Contact person

Jonas Åbo Mortensen, Project Director



About Jonas Åbo Mortensen

Jonas leads the Circular Copenhagen innovation platform initiative. Jonas has extensive knowledge about waste & resource management and experience with public-private joint development activities. He has worked in Copenhagen's Technical and Environmental Administration since 2016. Before that he was head of the Innovation Network for Environmental Technologies where he helped small and medium-sized enterprises develop new green technologies in partnerships with universities and public authorities in Denmark.

Reusable packaging

Reusable packaging

Contact person

Sarosh Qureshi



About Sarosh Qureshi

Sarosh has extensive knowledge relating to sustainable business models, and he has worked with companies from a range of different business sectors, incl. hotels and production. He has a background in circular economy, energy production and energy infrastructure, polymers and life cycle assessments, he is also a consultant in UNs Sustainable Development Goals. Sarosh leads Copenhagen's efforts to promote reusable packaging.



Contact person

Birthe Busch Thomsen



About Birte Busch Thomsen

Project Manager working with circular economy and partnerships to increase reuse, repair and recycling activities on used electronics and electrical equipment. Birte has represented the City of Copenhagen in several environmental projects and partnerships funded nationally or by EU.



Contact person

Tina Winberg, Project Manager



About Tina Winberg

Tina is working on circular economy with a special emphasis on circular textile solutions and sustainable packaging. Representative of City of Copenhagen in Eurocities' textile taskforce.

Building & Construction, Smart Bins

Building & Construction, Smart Bins

Contact person

Martin Tilsted



About Martin Tilsted

Martin Tilsted is project Coordinator on the Horizon 2020 project “CIRCuIT”. Together with a wide range of public and private partners, Martin is working on developing new methods and materials for a sustainable and circular construction sector.
Besides the actual demonstration activities CIRCuIT will be hosting a number of public events, where valuable insights on circular principles can be shared between companies and research institutions.

Recycling, Diapers and Mattresses

Recycling, Diapers and Mattresses

Contact person

Dorthe Bach Egemose Agger



About Dorthe Bach Egemose Agger

Dorthe is involved in Copenhagen's efforts to develop diaper recycling and mattress recycling solutions. This includes testing, market dialogue, and tendering. Dorthe is also involved in different research projects relating to mattress and diaper waste recycling, incl. the TRACE-project, which is funded by Innovation Fund Denmark.



Contact person

Stine Laurberg Hansen



About Stine Laurberg Hansen

Stine works with reuse, partnerships, and circular economy at the reuse stations in Copenhagen. She develops and facilitates new concepts, strategies and ideas for promoting waste reduction and reuse in Copenhagen. With a background as an architect and innovation- and process designer she leads projects with designers, architects and entrepreneurs for new spaces and facilities for waste handling, reuse and repair.

Building and construction

Building and construction

Contact person

Kristoffer Carr-Saunders



About Kristoffer Carr-Saunders

Kristoffer works to promote the circular economy related to building and construction in Copenhagen. This includes work to promote reuse and recycling of building materials.

Contact information for other enquiries

Are you a citizen of Copenhagen and have enquiries about waste and reuse that do not regard establishing partnership with the City of Copenhagen?