Copenhagen signs the Circular City Declaration

Several major European cities have joined forces to support and act on the transition to a circular economy by signing a joint “Circular City Declaration”
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The City of Copenhagen is a founding signatory of the Circular City Declaration, which has been developed by a broad group of European organisations committed to enabling the transition to a circular economy at the local level, among others including ICLEI, the European Investment Bank, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Eurocities, and the UN Environment Programme.

By signing the Declaration, Copenhagen recognizes the need of accelerating the transition from a linear to a circular economy in Europe. Among others, Copenhagen’s climate plan and the waste & Resource management plan, “Circular Copenhagen”, reflect the commitment that the city has towards realizing a circular economy. Moreover, the Circular City Declaration presents a great opportunity to get inspiration from best practices in cities around Europe.

For more information visit the website Circular Cities Declaration

Contact Circular Copenhagen

Jonas Åbo Mortensen